Vw Golf 6R 440hp 580nm TTH450
The Vw Golf 6 R has set the performance standards very high for all the other hatchbacks in the same vehicle category, especially when it is equipped with a dual clutch Direct Shift Gearbox. Now imagine spending some more money to it, in order to enhance not only the power but also the reliability of the engine and gearbox.
Lets get straight into the build.The engine has been fully forged and the compression is now 9:1.Everything has been renewed as the car was bought used as a second hand so we do not like to risk anything when we raise the power of the vehicle.
The inter-cooler, exhaust, fueling system, intake, and several other peripheral parts have been also enhanced and upgraded with after market ones.
Brief List of the Upgrades :
- Upgraded TTH450 Turbo
- Upgraded Injectors
- Upgraded Hpfp
- Upgraded Prv (140 bar)
- Upgraded Lpfp + Controller
- Upgraded Intercooler
- Upgraded Diverter Valve
- Upgraded 76mm Exhaust System + Race catalyst
- Water Methanol injection Kit
After several hours of fine tuning the calibration from our Bosch Med9.1 engine management system the car has finally produced what we where expecting in the first place, with all the right hardware modifications in place.
At boost levels of 2.1 bar overboost and 1.8bar constant(look the logs below) we maximized the output of the turbocharger and got 440hp and 580nm of torque from surprisingly low rpm.
The TTH450 turbo has proven to be very fast in spooling and the upgraded wastegate actuator could easily hold that boost with 70% n75 duty cycle. For safety reasons we are using water methanol injection in order to avoid fuel quality surprises from various fueling stations.
Stage 4 Engine Calibration(2.1bar over 1.8ct) with Advanced boost controlled launch in Stock ECU with ignition retard/cut or Fuel cut and Fuel Cut overrun (Pops & Bangs).
The average boost pressure for all gears are plotted above to give you a basic understanding of how much boost you will be running with our custom software in order to produce the same levels of power.
The dq250 is an amazing gearbox and as it has been proved over the years it is also s very reliable one. Of course if you need to increase the torque levels more then 350 to 400 nm on any 2.0l Tfsi engine you have to re-calibrate the software inside.
If the original Clutch set is in good condition it can absorb all the torque that this engine can produce(up to 600 650nm) with several big turbo applications by raising the clutch pressure from both K1 and K2.
What we have done to this gearbox will be described in a sort list below:
Stock Launch control activation/deactivation
Faster Gearshifts in all modes D/S/M
Higher clamp pressure up to 16.5 bar (See attached logs)
Kick down Deactivation in Manual
Faster Paddle response.
Decreased Torque intervention on Gearshifts.
All Torque limits raised to 650Nm
Higher gearshifts on D and S mode (7100)
Max Gear shift on M mode (7500+)
As you have already seen in the above log the clutch pressure is now raised more then enough to ensure that the clutches will not slip or be damaged and not only in cruising mode but also in the launch control mode.
Again the pressure average is plotted here and peak values are 16.2 bars instead of 12bars that this gearbox is doing with the stock calibration.Of course the calibration settings have to be matched on both ecu and tcu for this function to work properly.
Video of this particular car using our advanced launch control algorithm.
More videos will come along with the dyno development.