GT-innovatioN project cars
Audi S3 8L 500PS
This is our 2002 Audi S3 with a big turbo setup using 750cc bosch ev14 injectors and the new borgwarner 6758 EFR turbocharger.The car produces 500hp at 2.1 bar with 100 Octane fuel.
Setup :
Engine : 1.791cc 4Cyl Turbo
Pistons : Je pistons
Conrods : K1 Conrods
Turbo : Borg warner 6758 EFR
Exhaust Manifold : Custom
Intake Manifold : Stock
Head : Upgraded springs and machining.
Injector : Bosch 750cc EV14
Exhaust : 76mm
Ecu : Me7.5 with Multimap Switching 4 Set of maps 95/98/100 oct and race mode
Nissan 200sx rb26 1xxx PS
One of our nissan project cars is this s13 200sx.It came originaly with the small ca18det engine but now it is equipped with a forged rb26det single big turbo setup producing over 1xxxPS.
Setup :
Nissan Rps13 (200sx)
Engine : 2.600cc 6Cyl Turbo
Pistons : Je pistons
Conrods : Manley Conrods
Turbo : Precision 6466
External wg : 2x Tial
Exhaust Manifold : Custom
Intake Manifold : Greddy
Head : springs / valves / Tomei
260cams – Gasket – Gears
Injector : 1000cc
Exhaust : 80mm Titanium
Ecu : Aem EMS PNP
Boost control : GReddy
Vw Golf 5 GTI 500ps
Back at 2008 this Golf 5 Tfsi was among the first we converted to a big turbo application using a precision 5458 and stock rs4 injectors.This car was capable of 500hp at 2.2 bar.
Setup :
Vw Golf 5 2.0l Tfsi
Engine : 2.000cc 4Cyl Turbo
Pistons : Je pistons
Conrods : Intergrated Conrods
Turbo : Precision 5458 BB
Exhaust Manifold : Custom
Intake Manifold : Stock
Head : Upgraded springs and polished ports.
Injector : oem audi rs4
Exhaust : 76mm
Ecu : Med9.1
200sx RB26 N1
This is our Second 200sx s13 chassis equiped with an r34 rb26det n1 engine.The car is producing 500hp with stock turbochargers(Gt2554R). Our main goal was a fast daily car that can drag or drift at the same time.
Setup :
Nissan Rps13 (200sx)
Engine : 2.600cc 6 Cyl Turbo N1
Pistons : Stock
Conrods : Stock
Turbo : Garret GT2554R
Exhaust Manifold : OEM
Intake Manifold : OEM
Head : OEM
Injector : 444cc
Exhaust : 80mm Titanium
Ecu : PowerFC
Boost control : GReddy
Seadoo RXT 215 1.5 3cyl Turbo
The seadoo Rxt 215hp is a 3 cylinder 1500cc compressor jet ski.We have converted this jet to a 400hp sea monster using siemens 630cc injectors and a gtx2863 turbocharger.
Setup :
Seadoo Rxt 215
Engine : 1500cc 3Cyl Turbo
Pistons : Je pistons(riva)
Conrods : Carrillo
Turbo : Garrett GTX2863
Exhaust Manifold : Custom
Intake Manifold : Stock
Head : Upgraded springs and polished ports and big cams.
Injector : siemens deka 630cc
FPR : Riva
Fuel Rail : Terminator Series
Exhaust : 76mm
Ecu : OEM Siemens
Nissan Skyliune r34 Rb26Dett N1
The nissan skyline is an iconic car and we are happy to have one on our team.Equipped with an r34 rb26Dett N1 engine and an hks kit capable of 650 hp this car can get your attention really fast
Nissan Skyline R34
Engine : 2600cc 6Cyl Turbo
Pistons : OEM N1
Conrods : OEM N1
Turbo : Garrett GT2860
Exhaust Manifold : Stock
Intake Manifold : Stock
Head : N1 Head
Injector : 1000c
Fuel pump : 400lph
FPR : Oem
Fuel Rail : HKS
Exhaust : 80mm
Ecu : Apexi PowerFc L jetro
Vw Golf 3 R32
This is a Vw Golf 3 that was swapped with a golf 4 R32 engine.This project will become turbocharged in the future.Owner spend a lot of money not only to the exterior but to the interior as well.
Engine : 6Cyl R32 Golf 4
Pistons : OEM
Conrods : OEM
Exhaust Manifold : Stock
Intake Manifold : Stock
Head : OEM
Injector : OEM
Fuel pump : 400lph
Fuel Rail : OEM
Exhaust : 70mm
Ecu : Me7.1